My ZDC NATCA Brothers and Sisters.  I am saddened by the polarization I am seeing in our building.  Rumors and out right false information is being spread around the building on several different subjects.  One major point of contention right now is the Local BBS, which is owned and operated by Rich Santa not our Local.  A complaint was filed with Phil Barbarillo, Eastern Region NATCA Vice President, over campaigning that was being conducted on our Local BBS.  Some individuals were spreading the Lie that I made the complaint to Phil.  I was campaigning on our Local BBS and to file a complaint against campaigning on the BBS would be to file a complaint against myself.  I had nothing to do with this complaint.  Some are saying that Phil and/or NATCA National shut down our Local BBS.  This once again is inaccurate information.  I was not a part of the conversation that occurred between Rich, Phil, and NATCA National General Counsel, however, I did talk directly to Phil and Rich after the fact.  Rich advised me that he did not believe his BBS was in violation of any laws and that his attorney advised him that the BBS was perfectly legal as it was being operated.  Rich told me that he made the decision to shut down the BBS himself because he did not have time to fight with the National Office.  I think it would be very helpful for our local if certain people would stop with the constant spreading of rumors and lies.  This does nothing but tear us apart as a union.  Additionally, I believe it would be a great benefit to the local to hear directly from Rich about what is going on and not all the different stories from certain individuals claiming to know what is going on.  The best way to put this issue to bed would be to have a Special Membership Meeting and let Rich and Phil explain the whole situation to us face to face.








































































































































































































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Tim Hardison









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